I have worked on two different iterations of the BLBCA site, each presenting its own unique challenges and learning opportunities. The current version of the site was initially constructed by another agency, which employed a multitude of plugins and page-builder to create a visually appealing and functional website. However, this approach led to several issues, including slower loading times and increased maintenance complexity. As a result, the site owner approached me to undertake the task of rebuilding the site from the ground up using plain code. This decision was made to enhance the site's performance by optimizing it for speed, ensuring faster load times and a smoother user experience. Additionally, by reducing the site's reliance on numerous plugins, we aimed to simplify its structure, making it more stable and easier to manage in the long run.
The site was built with a child theme of WordPress Twenty Twenty. It relies heavily on the Advanced Custom Fields, Facet WP and BB Press plugins.